Well, this post dosn't want to go up.... Maybe Simon's programmed brevity into the board :-) No more that 10 words...
Max Divergent
JoinedPosts by Max Divergent
How Do The French Feel About Us?
by Englishman inearlier this week, british cemetries in northern france were vandalised by persons objecting to the war in iraq.. .
a uk newspaper carried this report:.
the showpiece cenotaph at the graveyard in northern france was smeared in red paint with the words: dig up your rubbish.
How Do The French Feel About Us?
by Englishman inearlier this week, british cemetries in northern france were vandalised by persons objecting to the war in iraq.. .
a uk newspaper carried this report:.
the showpiece cenotaph at the graveyard in northern france was smeared in red paint with the words: dig up your rubbish.
Max Divergent
These self-indulgent wankers can't even get the swastika right. They're ignorant of the history of their own country.
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #44
by ozziepost inhow's your weekend going?
i trust that you're finding time for a bit of "peace and quiet".
mrs ozzie and i have enjoyed being out in the crisp autumn air here in the highlands.
Max Divergent
2. So that one can be the prompter when the other forgets his lines. Yep
3. They just like each other - Yep, IME most of them dislike/mistrust each other, so when they find someone with a compatably twisted mind (or someone they can manipulate) they buddy up, that's why you often get the same pairings of them (or at least it's rare to see certian other elders paired up) ...
4. So that both can count the time. That's be a bonus
5. So that they have a witness to what is said. Of course
6. It saves time in preparing for a judicial committee. Of course
7. One is in training. Often
8. They have to make it look official. Intimidate, do you mean?
9. To save on petrol costs. Yeah, probably
10. So that one can hold the bag. More like 'carry the bag' as in take the blame if somthing goes wrong...
11. It saves leading the field service group. Yep, the ones who do lots of sheperding usually get fewer administrative jobs and are regarded as more spiritually qualified, so if they can stand going and talking to the troops, that's what they do.
12. Who
knowscares????????13. Other (please detail) Gives more of them a reason to be away from their wives more often... worldly blokes just play golf...
I only knew a very few who'd call on their own ... they were of the very few who were both Chirstians and elders ... a rare breed. They were quite open in acknoledging the failings of their fellow elders and the WTS and seem to spend half their time patching-up after the grosser excesses of some of their colleuges...
Cheers, Max
Ground Zero
by Amazing ini recently traveled to new york city, but was not there to focus attention on the watchtower.
rather, ground zero was on my agenda, and i was not disappointed, though i discovered a few surprises.
i have been in the twin towers (wtc) several times, and have pictures of the view, including the watchtower buildings across the east river.
Max Divergent
Thanks for that Amazing. I was in NYC (and Washington DC) for the first time in January and visited Ground Zero and spent most of my time in Midtown.
In contrast to your impression, I was suprised at the seeming normality and lack of damage of the buildings and hubub of life around the site. Maybe I was in a different spot or am less attuned to spotting building damage, but it struck me as being much like a planned building site.
Maybe in my naivity as a first time visitor (or because it was the holiday period, or because the Iraq war hadn't started,or becuase I was on the subway not driving), I was struck by the relaxed-ness of the city generally and the lack of obviuous security. I was allowed to film inside buildings too (except Macy's!).
The only time I noticed it was late at night when the army (?) were outside the Port Authority train station near (on?) Broardway (you know where I mean!) armed with MP5's. Through the day the were army uniformed security mostly drinking coffee and talking to their friends just with sidearms (Mmm... did they had M16's? If they did they were discreet).
Even airport security was less intrusive than I'd imagained it to be and seemed less intense than entering alot of public buildings. I had metal loops on my boots which set off the detectors, so provided I took those off it was quicker and easier to get through LAX, Washington National and JFK than the country airport I usually go through in a remote area of Australia (they only get half a dozen jets a day, so must like to be seen to earn their pay!).
I walked down to the base of the Brooklyn Bridge (past a KH and a public dog exercise obstical course!) and looked across the water at the Headquarters. I always thought you could see 'Read God's Word Daily' on top of the building, but all I saw was one of those flashing signs with the time and temperature! (It was COLD!!!).
I stayed in Sugar Hill, Harlem and it was great. And... there was a KH three doors from my accomodation!
Anyway, it was a great trip and we're planning the next one now! At the moment it's Chicago and NYC in December, but Anne (it'll be her first time in the US, my third) is talking about Maine or Las Vegas instead of Chicago...
Best regards, Max
King of North Position-Filled
by proplog2 inridicule of the watchtower shift on "king of the north" is appropriate.
why didn't they hang in there with russia?
i've heard every conceivable speculation about the new improved king of the north.
Max Divergent
If you go due north from the United States, you pass through Canada and there you have it - Russia. .... There is nothing North of Russia.
If Russia is due north from the US, then is not the US due north of Russia? So rather than there being nothing north of Russia, there'd be Canada (oh...maybe you're right;) and the US.
But in anycase, if you travel North from either place and pass the North Pole, do you not start travelling due south? Thus is not Russia North-South (kind of like North-West or South-East, but different in a funny sort of a way..) of the US and the US North-South of Russia too?
Isn't this odd?
Max - With my apologies to all Canadians for my little joke
Edited becuase I realised that my initial idea that if you got from Russia to US by travelling North-South, then you'd travel South-North to get from the US to Russia was wrong. In fact you'd travel North-South from either location to the other. Really, it's just as well we've got east and west (and that they never meet) too.
The Independent,2 April 2003, page13/14
by badboy in.
on page 13 is an ad by the lord's witnesses.. `the league of nations/un was abyssed during wwii as prophesied in revelation 17.. it is ridden by a harlot which stands for all the unfaithful churches in the world.these are all the religions which have joined the un as ngos(non governmental organisations).they range from the catholics to the jehovah's witnesses.the reason that christian churches should not join th un is that they are supposed to look to god for their protection and advancement not powerful organisations of men.in this sense joining the un is an act of unfaithfullness,depicted in revelation as harlotry,because the church is supposed to be the wife of christ,he should be their head rather than any political organisation such as the un,however noble their charter may be!.
page 14. a man with mental is said to have confessed after reading the sixth commandment.
Max Divergent
FANTASTIC SITE!!! When I accepted (foolishly) a study when I was 20-ish (1990-ish) I insisted it be in the 1960's ('50s?) Daniel book - the green covered book!! It was great!!!
Reading about the grand changes in national affairs in advance* was just electrifying!! So much better than worrying about Service hours or placing mags or listening to silly talks about Jesus or God or stuff like that...
But this site is so cool!!! It's just so fantastic!!! Great stuff!!! So we can now all puzzle over who will be the next five UNSC members?? Only weeks to wait for the next installment. The US is going to pick them (the UK picked the first 5 we're told), so... we're told it's Japan, Gemany and a developing nation from each of Africa, Asia and Latin America... Phew...
I mean, it's so off the wall that you can't take it seriosly (maybe...), but it's like the greatest political thriller novel ever writ! So much better coz the plot keeps on changing with every real world event. It's like a serial that keeps on coming. It's just pure fantasy with just enough reality by way of historical references to grab the mind as a trivial distraction
(I actually got a brand new copy of the old Daniel book in the mid-1990's from bethel in Sydney. I found the place spooky, but loved getting the book to let me keep my original with the falling off front cover on the shelf!)
Oh well... nostalgia...
* 'Advance' being code for fiction of course
Questions Directed Towards: YOU (ex-JW)
by RAYZORBLADE ini thought i'd give this a go, lighten up the forum a little.
just curious, about a few things regarding all of us who participate on here.
i have some questions, of which i will answer also.
Max Divergent
1. How long were you a Jehovah's Witness?
From baptisim, it'd be about 12 years or so. From being in the TMS, it'd be 20 years.
2. Were you raised in it or become a JW later on in life?
6. When did you start having doubts?
After I expereinced an inappropriate judicial action. The action was reversed after advice from the CO which was good, but it breached the trust that I'd had in the organisation. It was obvioulsy improper to have a committee, but they did it with energy and joy and vigour and at least one of them really seemed to enjoy it. I started to see things with wiser and less rosy eyes after that.
Then I went to university and learned how to think and assess evidence. That just nailed it on the head because I could defeat the JW teachings both logocally and emotionally.
7. What else perhaps contributed to your leaving?
Well... one thing was that I got to like, umm.. pleasing my wife in the bedroom and you can only do that reliably by fornicating in the WTS's view. It just made the whole thing even more farcicle and absurd!
8. When were you disfellowshipped/disassociated?
Stopped associating about 4 years ago, or is it 5 now?
9. Have you ever been reinstated?
N/A, but I've been in a KH since only once for a family wedding and was treated civily by everyone, except that the family used smoke and mirorrs to make sure non-believers didn't go to the reception which was strange. Never had any desire to have anything to do with it again.
10. Did you attempt to contact or have spoken with other active-JWs when you were DF/DA'd?
Nah, I said my piece once to family members and have left it alone since. If I'm pushed by JW's I'll tell them that my view has changed and what I think now, but not in a way that they could think I was trying to change their minds. Rarely happens.
11. Have you ever protested/picketted a JW assembly/convention?
No way. I don't care that much what others do. I'd probably know half the attendents and end up having coffee with them instead of picketing.
12. Do you miss being a Jehovah's Witness?
Not at all. I am infinatly happier now and have nothing to miss. It's sort of sad to have walked away from 1/3 of a lifetimes relatioships, but that's their rules not just my choice.
13. Do you still have family that are active JWs?
Most are. Some aren't. Live a long way from any of them. It's irritating but not a big issue to those who aren't, except when provoked! The rest of them might come around one day.
14. Do you believe in god/God etc.?
I don't discount the possibility of there being 'somthing out there' that we don't understand and expain away as spirits, but don't consider that to be divine in the nature of a Jehovah-like God. Extra dimentional beings maybe? :-) In general I regard myself as a lite athiest.
15. Are you politically active or have voted?
One of the first things I did was vote. Then I joined a political party. I'm interested in those things. I think the JW's are right-wing conservitives in socio-political tems and that disturbed me. I'm a moderate centerist.
16. Would you say you have become more tolerant or open-minded generally speaking since you left?
For sure. My mind isn't pre-made-up by some set of arbitary rules.
17. Do you think that the WTBTS will crumble?
Eventually maybe. Not soon though. But then again, things can change very quickly and unexpectedly.
18. If you could say anything to the WTBTS and be listened to, what would you like to say?
Guys, it just dosn't matter that much.
19. What has helped you to cope, post-JW?
My wife leaving too, this place (and H2O previoulsy), leaving the city we'd been JW's in, accepting worldly people. Therapy.
20. Anything else you'd like to say/add?
I just want to know if you're a WTS mole seeking out personal information so as to hunt down and discredit apostates living seemingly ordinary lives hidden away anonomously in the suburban sprawl waiting to spring terror and persecution on God's people when they least expect it?
(Tounge firmly in cheek)
Cheers, Max
(Post has been corrected!) Suppose you don't WANT a JW funeral?!?
by razorMind ini have been to a couple of funerals recently (both of relatives who've never been jw's; however married to jw spouses) and have been appalled, absolutely appalled at how the wishes of the deceased have been ignored and horned in on by jw drivel/dogma.. .
the most recent funeral was for a relative who didn't even believe in god (was never a jw), but the jw spiel droned on for so long that the deceased's own "worldly" siblings were glancing at their watches in disbelief.
one of the siblings had a speech at the funeral ceremony, and was very touching and heartfelt in talking about the deceased's life, but then a jw relative had a speaking part too, and lost everyone from that point on.
Max Divergent
I didn't know the KH and an elder would be made available for adults who weren't JW's, or that relitves ever had the chance to participate in anyway in a JW funeral? Seems odd.
I've always wondered what happens and who conducts a totally non-religious funeral? Do the funeral directors just throw the switch and everyone just goes on to the wake?
Max - who's a healthy 33
Posted in another thread...help me to reason this out, please!
by berylblue innow here's a question this always bothered me.
using the example of the flood, jws were told that few would be saved at armegeddon.
also quoting jesus when he said that few are the ones finding the road to everlasting life.
Max Divergent
The issue is the urgent need to remove the evil present regime along with it's (witting or unwitting) supporters and weapons (inc polution etc) of mass destruction that are ruining the earth. A decisive blow must be struck to remove the tyrant Satan and liberate those of human kind who are willing to receive that which is benificial to all humans of all cultures so they too can enjoy the fruits of freedom under the interim administration of Jesus.Then the liberated good people can grow and florish and determine their own path by the time they are ready to strike up their own direct relationship with God.
That some 'nice people' who were misled or ignorent may perish through their closeness to the regime is unfortunate, but that collateral damage is unavoidable and for the greater good of freedom from the horrors of the current system for the willing. The outcome is certain.
Well... it'd be somthing like that anyhow... I came to think that the JW's really were a very right-wing group in socio-political terms, and this scenario is one that makes sense to right-wing folk. Just like current events really...
Cheers, Max
What's the WORST red you've drunk?
by ozziepost inas many of you know, ozzie likes a good red, as in shiraz!
each month we share experiences of the current tastings in the regular threads entitled "ozzie's wine of the month".
not always has the wine of the month made it to the most recommended list.
Max Divergent
Had something from France recently - it tasted like mud (my wife says French always tastes bad).
Every bottle my (now ex-) wine club has sent in the last three shipments smelt like drain cleaner, so that's what I used it as. They would all have been bad in a cask, that they were in a bottle was shameful. All Australian (NSW and Vic) I'm sad to say. Even worse was that I directed my first shipment of the new wine club to the Bro-in-Laws where we were visiting at Xmas, but failed to switch it back before the next shipment :-( At least I'm popular with the in-laws....
But on a more cheery note, I picked up half a dozen Goundrey's Cabernet Merlot on favorable terms recently and, for a cheaper bottle, it's quite acceptable.
Cheers, Max
(Did you ever go to the winery the Sydney bethelites go to? It's about 15 minutes away from bethel, and you take your own bottles and fill them up from the barrel. It's on old Italian (I think) family and they have hundreds of varieties to choose from. Very cheap, discreet [depending what sort of bottle you take to fill] and a high alchohol content...)
Edited to add the bethel aside